Sunday, 15 June 2014

Mountain Biking Fact File

The people that are involved in Mountain Biking are people who are interested in it, builders who build the tracks, but they need to ask the council if they can do it first.
When you are Mountain biking you need a mountain track that’s off the road, slopes and jumps and of course a bike!
People do Mountain Biking because they have fun doing it and to practice their amazing tricks. It is a good fitness.
To ride a bike you push the pedals, have good gears and most important HAVE FUN!
You need to be in the country or the mountains, forest, farms and on a track to do Mountain Biking.

Saturday, 14 June 2014

Mountain Biking Fact File

The council are the ones that decide to make a bike track, without their permission there would be no mountain tracks. They use track workers to build the track and some landscapers helped with building the tracks too. If they want the track to be used they need bikers from in the neighbourhood.
The builders make a mountain track for people to ride on with their bikes. The bike park has obstacle courses like ramps and jumps.  You can go high up on mountains then go down back to the ground with your bikes in the country.
The council makes the track for people to have fun. People also did it for their fitness. The bike track gives everyone something to do. People wouldn’t be sitting around anymore doing nothing they could be on mountain biking tracks.
To stay safe on a bike people would need a helmet on their head, arm pads for the elbows and some knee pads because if they fall it could really hurt.
They made the tracks in the forest going through big trees, the tracks could go either one or two ways, farms with dry grass had tracks too, they have mountain tracks on hills and there are tracks in the country with dry grass as well.

Friday, 13 June 2014

Mountain Biking Fact File

To make a mountain bike track you have to have permission from the council, ideas from landscapers, tools from builders and help from track workers.
Mountain biking is done on mountains, in forests, on farms, and on tracks. Not on the road.
People do mountain biking for fun and for fitness.
If you are mountain biking you need to use your pedals and if you have gears them too.
There is so many places where you can mountain bike, in the forest, on a mountain, and even on farms.  You need to make sure that the track is safe.

Thursday, 12 June 2014

Book Week 2014

Room 8 joined the rest of the school to celebrate Book Week in style. They read books, coloured posters, bought books, read to their buddies, took part in scavenger hunt, and finished the week with a colourful character parade in the school hall. Have look at Room 8 celebrating Book Week 2014.

Mountain Biking Fact File

To build a mountain biking track you need a series of people.   First you need the bikers, then the city council needs to give permission to the track workers and then the track workers come to build a track.
Mountain tracks have a lot of trees around them. They also have steep slopes sometimes jumps the bikers might build a trick place to have some trick fun.
People mountain bike for fun, fitness, interesting views and for an opportunity to see mountains and forest nature.
You ride with peddles which go round on a long spiky chain, tracks are important they have to be safe otherwise you could get lost for ages. It is important to have the right gears too.
Mountain biking tracks can be in the country on mountains near and in farms in forests, woods and nature reserves also in long grass hills mountain biking is awesome.

Wednesday, 11 June 2014

Mountain Biking Fact File

I have been learning about the organisation and structure of something and using that information to gather information. This is my fact file about Mountain Biking.

The people that are involved in Mountain Biking are people who are interested in it, builders who build the tracks, but they need to ask the council if they can do it first.

When you are Mountain biking you need a mountain track that’s off the road, slopes and jumps and of course a bike!

People do Mountain Biking because they have fun doing it and to practice their amazing tricks. It is a good fitness.

To ride a bike you push the pedals, have good gears and most important HAVE FUN!

You need to be in the country or the mountains, forest, farms and on a track to do Mountain Biking.

Monday, 9 June 2014

Mountain Biking

Our learning intention in Reading the last two weeks has been to Recognise structural features of characteristics of text. We used the information we collected about an article about Mountain Biking and wrote our fact file about the topic. Here is my Fact file.

The people who are involved in making the track are the track workers and people that are interested in mountain biking, but first they have to ask the council for permission.

Mountain Biking is an off road sport with slopes and skill areas.

People mountain bike so they can get fit and to have fun. It is also interesting because you get to go through narrow paths and wide paths.

Mountain biking is done by using a bike and a track. You make the bike work by pushing on the pedals.

Mountain biking is done on a mountain or farm land. It is usually done in the country side.

Tuesday, 3 June 2014

Funky Feet Friday

On Friday 23rd May Good Shepherd School celebrated 'Funky Feet Friday' to create  awareness about Road Safety Week. Room 8 took  part with the rest of the school by show casing their funky feet. Can you guess who they belong to in Room 8?

The Colours of Autumn

Room 8 were learning to write Acrostic poems about Autumn. The children saw autumn as very colouful with different shades and shapes of leaves. We discussed what happens in autumn, saw images of the season around New Zealand  and the world.  Some of their ideas of autumn were: Temperature drops, it gets cold and dark very early, heaters go on, fireplace lights up and  hot chocolate and marshmallow to keep warm. This is their published work about Autumn.