Friday, 26 May 2017


On Wednesday the 17th of May we had an 'out of this world' experience at the Stardome!

Monday, 15 May 2017

Road safety week

Week two = Road safety week
Slow down, save lives

This week, a very talented group of room 8 boys took out a prize for the best road safety poster. They focused on the 'slow down, save lives' theme and did a great job illustrating ways in which we can stay road safe. 
Well done to Xavier T, Aiden H, Peter, Po'oi, Vincent and Luka 

Friday, 5 May 2017

Descriptive writing

Room 8 have launched straight back into writing in Term 2. We are looking at descriptive writing at the moment and have been discussing characters that we are familiar with. We took some time to describe the characteristics of The Gruffalo. Here is a piece of writing by Skylar

The Gruffalo

The Gruffalo is an enormous beast that is freakishly ugly and really scary. He has two orange, shifty eyes and one poisonous wart on the end of his nose. He stomps everywhere looking for a delicious snack with his big creepy eyes and gobbles up whatever he finds. After he has devoured his snack, he goes somewhere else to look for another yummy thing that he likes to eat. 

By Skylar Canovas