Friday, 28 September 2018

Miranda and Jackson

Loud shirt day was on Friday. Everyone either wore a
superhero costume or a bright top. Everyone brought in a
gold coin donation for the hearing house to help kids who
don’t hear as well as the rest of us.

On Thursday we went to the old tennis courts that are now
used for parking. We went round the back and we were
AMAZED at the sight. There were metal poles, screw, parts
of a clock, a plate and believe it or not a frying pan in the
wall! It was really weird. When we got back we made a story
about how we think it got there. We could make it up and we
could also use real things.

By Miranda and Jackson

Friday, 21 September 2018

Celia and Maverick

Cultural week!

This week was cultural week we had two groups come in to perform for us.
We have had fun in our culture classes and have learnt lots of new things.
On Friday we celebrated everyone's learning, here are some pictures

Friday, 14 September 2018

Bianka and Ruby

Week 8 by Bianka and Ruby

Kia ora
This week it is Maori language week.We have been learning
lots we learnt a grace. Here is it is called karakia

E te atua whakapaingia enei kai hei oranga mo matau
tinana whanga hoki mo matau wairua ki te taro e te ora ko
Ihu karaiti to matau kaiwhakaora amini

Also on Friday it is movie night. I hope you will come along.

This week we had an author come in, his name was
Raymond McGrath. He showed us how he created his
stories, got rejected, and kept trying until he was published.
It was very inspiring