Friday, 4 May 2018

Term 2 - Week one. Celia, Liua, Mishael

Life education

In week one we were lucky enough to have Hillary from life education come to talk to us about how our bodies work. Hillary has Sebastian and Aisling stand in front of the wall to have their bodies scanned so that we could look inside at their organs. It was so cool! Harold told us we have to eat lots of healthy food, eat only some food from animals and not too many sweets. 

All of the food we eat goes into our mouth where we use our teeth, tongue and saliva to break it up. It goes down your ah, ah, ah, sophagus (oesophagus) and into your tummy where the muscles around the stomach squish and squash the food. From there the food travels into your small intestine. Then it goes to the large intestine, up, across, down, around then plop!

Hillary chose different people in the classroom to choose what colour lights we would use. The green light made us look like aliens!

By Mishael, Liua and Celia 

1 comment:

  1. Hi Room 8 - Harold and I have really enjoyed reading your blog post about the Life Education visit with your class. We had so much fun working with you and talking about how to keep ourselves "Happy and Healthy" every day! I hope you have had a great balanced diet today, with "Lots" of food from the ground, "some" food from animals (calcium, protein and iron) and "Not" too many treats :) Have a wonderful Term 2 Room 8!! From Hilary & Harold
