Drowning prevention Auckland
On Thursday Leilani came into Room 8 to teach us
some life jacket safety.
She taught us how to put on a
life jacket in the water.
She also taught us how to make a survival chain if you fall off a boat and how to do the help signal.
You put one hand up and look up at the sky and keep it still. As well as teaching us the help position she taught us want help stands for
H – means heat
E – means energy
L – means lessening
P – means position

Next week we practice all these things we learned in the pool!
St Joseph's day
On Monday we went to church to
celebrate St Joseph’s day. After morning tea we had St Joseph’s day tabloid
sports. There were loads of fun games like: 4 corners, stuck in the mud, an
obstacle course, a soccer game and a crocodile game.

Afterwards we had a sausage sizzle and our normal lunch. It was great!
By Sienna, Liam and William
Great to see all the exciting things you are doing in Room 8. It looks like you are having lots of fun and learning heaps.